Settings Menu

     Calls the Setup Requester, allowing you to change the many
     settings of AmIRC to suit your needs.

     Calls up the Lists Requester, allowing you to configure AmIRC's
     Alias, Ignore, and Hilite lists.

Function Keys...
     Calls the Function Key settings requester, allowing you to
     configure the function key macros.

Dialog Window Buttons?
     If set, the AmIRC dialog window will contain 4 gadgets in the
     upper right corner.  These are labeled: 'Whois', 'Ping', 'DCC
     Chat', & 'DCC Send'.  These gadgets will perform their respective
     functions on the user that the dialog window is opened to.

Load Settings...
     Opens a requestor allowing you to recall previously saved
     non-default AmIRC Configurations.

Load settings from default
     Reloads the last saved default configuration

Save Settings Saves the current configuration under the last name set
     in the 'Save settings as...' menu item.  If the settings have not
     previously been named, they are saved as default.

Save settings as...
     Opens a requester allowing you to choose a filename to save the
     current AmIRC configuration as other than default.

Save as default
     Saves the current AmIRC configuration as the default startup

Create icons?
     If Checked, will create icons for saved configuration files,
     allowing them to be seen on the Workbench.

MUI Settings...
     Opens the MUI Prefs program for altering the MUI Configurable AmIRC

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